Sheykh Abbas Ghomi

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Sheykh Abbas Ghomi
Sheykh Abbas Ghomi.jpg
Died1294 AH

Sheykh Abbas Ghomi ,also known as Muhaddith Ghomi, is a reputable Shia scholar in Islamic history, Hadith and Hadith narration. He is the author of several books such as Nafs-al-Mahmoum and Mafatih-al-Janan.

Background[edit | edit source]

Sheykh Abbas Ghomi was born in 1294 A.H in Qom, Iran, and was one of the descendants of Ibn Babouyeh Ghomi. During his life, he penned more than 80 religious works in Farsi and Arabic. His books are concerning different subjects such as ideology, Imams’ biographies, Maqtal, ethics, and literature.

He was a student of Mohaddise Noori in Najaf. He was a pious man and devoted his life to studying, giving lectures and writing about Ahl-al-Bayt (as). He was a reflection of strict abstinence whose knowledge was accompanied with piety, all of which make him a humble role model.

Through his lectures on Ahl-al-Bayt, he talked about their lives, gave advice and introduced their traditions to people. In these lectures he also gave admonitions on learning from Ashura catastrophe, and the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as), where he shed tears so mournfully that the tears reached his beard.

He passed away in 1359 Ah and was laid to rest in Najaf, in the courtyard of Imam Ali’s (as) holy shrine.

Books[edit | edit source]

  • Mafaateehul Jinan
  • Nafasul Mahmoom
  • Safinat-ul-Behar wa Madinat-ul-Hekam-wal-Aasar
  • Al-Kuna wal Alqaab
  • Al-Fawaid Al-Razawiyyah fi Taraajame Olamaa Al-Jafariyah
  • Madinatul Ahbaab fil Maroofeen bil Kuna wal Alqab
  • Muntahal Aamaal fi tarikh al-Nabi wal Aal (this book is translated in Urdu as Ahsanul Maqal)
  • Tatammotul Muntaha fi Waqaae Ayyam al-Khulafa
  • Al-Anwarul Bahiyyah fi Tawaareekh al-Hojajil Ilahiyyah
  • Baytul Ahzan fi Masaeb Sayyidatin Niswan
  • Al-Ghayatul Quswa fi Tarjomate Urwatul Wusqa
  • Kohlul Basar fi Seerate Sayyadil Bashar
  • Manaazelul Aakherah
  • Hadiyatuz Zaeereen