Template:Infobox law enforcement agency/doc

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Usage[edit source]

Infobox law enforcement agency is an infobox template for use in articles on individual law enforcement agencies. See also: law enforcement agency article categorisation standards

This is a fictional organisation
Common name{{{commonname}}}
Agency overview
Formed{{{formedmonthday}}}, {{{formedyear}}}
Preceding agencies
  • {{{preceding1}}}
  • {{{preceding2}}}
  • {{{preceding3}}}
  • {{{preceding4}}}
  • {{{preceding5}}}
  • {{{preceding6}}}
Superseding agency{{{superseding}}}
Annual budget{{{budget}}}
Legal personality[[Template:Trim brackets]]
Jurisdictional structure
National agency
(Operations jurisdiction)
Federal agency
(Operations jurisdiction)
International agency[[{{{country}}}|{{{countryabbr}}}]]
Operations jurisdiction{{{subdivname}}}, {{{divname}}}, [[{{{country}}}|{{{countryabbr}}}]]
Legal jurisdiction{{{legaljuris}}}
Primary governing body[[Template:Trim brackets]]
Secondary governing body[[Template:Trim brackets]]
Constituting instruments
  • {{{constitution1}}}
  • {{{constitution2}}}
  • {{{constitution3}}}
  • {{{constitution4}}}
  • {{{constitution5}}}
  • {{{constitution6}}}
General nature
Operational structure
Overviewed by {{{overviewtype}}}{{{overviewbody}}}
Multinational agency[[{{{country}}}|{{{countryabbr}}}]]
Nationalities of personnel{{{multinational}}}
{{{electeetype}}}s responsible
  • {{{minister1name}}}, {{{minister1pfo}}}
  • {{{minister2name}}}, {{{minister2pfo}}}
  • {{{minister3name}}}, {{{minister3pfo}}}
  • {{{minister4name}}}, {{{minister4pfo}}}
  • {{{minister5name}}}, {{{minister5pfo}}}
  • {{{minister6name}}}, {{{minister6pfo}}}
Agency executives
  • {{{chief1name}}}, {{{chief1position}}}
  • {{{chief2name}}}, {{{chief2position}}}
  • {{{chief3name}}}, {{{chief3position}}}
  • {{{chief4name}}}, {{{chief4position}}}
  • {{{chief5name}}}, {{{chief5position}}}
  • {{{chief6name}}}, {{{chief6position}}}
Parent agency{{{parentagency}}}
Child agencies
  • {{{child1agency}}}
  • {{{child2agency}}}
  • {{{child3agency}}}
  • {{{child4agency}}}
  • {{{child5agency}}}
  • {{{child6agency}}}
Services provided by{{{provideragency}}}
Uniformed as{{{uniformedas}}}
  • {{{person1name}}}, {{{person1type}}}, for {{{person1reason}}}
  • {{{person2name}}}, {{{person2type}}}, for {{{person2reason}}}
  • {{{person3name}}}, {{{person3type}}}, for {{{person3reason}}}
  • {{{person4name}}}, {{{person4type}}}, for {{{person4reason}}}
  • {{{person5name}}}, {{{person5type}}}, for {{{person5reason}}}
  • {{{person6name}}}, {{{person6type}}}, for {{{person6reason}}}
  • {{{programme1}}}
  • {{{programme2}}}
  • {{{programme3}}}
  • {{{programme4}}}
  • {{{programme5}}}
  • {{{programme6}}}
Significant operation(s)
  • {{{activity1name}}}
  • {{{activity2name}}}
  • {{{activity3name}}}
  • {{{activity4name}}}
  • {{{activity5name}}}
  • {{{activity6name}}}
  • {{{anniversary1}}}
  • {{{anniversary2}}}
  • {{{anniversary3}}}
  • {{{anniversary4}}}
  • {{{anniversary5}}}
  • {{{anniversary6}}}
  • {{{award1}}}
  • {{{award2}}}
  • {{{award3}}}
  • {{{award4}}}
  • {{{award5}}}
  • {{{award6}}}
{{Infobox law enforcement agency
| agencyname      = 
| nativename      = 
| nativenamea     = 
| nativenamer     = 
| commonname      = 
| abbreviation    = 
| fictional       = 
| patch           = 
| patchcaption    = 
| logo            = 
| logocaption     = 
| badge           = 
| badgecaption    = 
| flag            = 
| flagcaption     = 
| imagesize       = 
| motto           = 
| mottotranslated = 
| formedmonthday  = 
| formedyear      = 
| preceding1      = 
<!-- (...up to 6...) -->
| dissolved       = 
| superseding     = 
| employees       = 
| volunteers      = 
| budget          = 
| legalpersonality = 
| country         = 
| countryabbr     = 
| national        = 
| federal         = 
| international   = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[country1]] . . |[[countryNNN]]}}-->
| divtype         = 
| divname         = 
| divdab          = 
| subdivtype      = 
| subdivname      = 
| subdivdab       = 
| map             = 
| mapcaption      = 
| dmap            = 
| sizearea        = 
| sizepopulation  = 
| legaljuris      = 
| governingbody   = 
| governingbodyscnd = 
| constitution1   = 
<!-- (...up to 6...) -->
| police          = 
| local           = 
| military        = 
| paramilitary    = 
| provost         = 
| gendarmerie     = 
| religious       = 
| speciality1     = 
<!-- (...up to 6...) -->
| secret          = 
| overviewtype    = 
| overviewbody    = 
| headquarters    = 
| hqlocmap        = 
| hqlocmapborder  = 
| hqlocmapwidth   = 
| hqlocmapheight  = 
| hqlocleft       = 
| hqloctop        = 
| hqlocmappoptitle = 
| sworntype       = 
| sworn           = 
| unsworntype     = 
| unsworn         = 
| multinational   = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[country1]] . . |[[countryNNN]]}}-->
| electeetype     = 
| minister1name   = 
| minister1pfo    = 
<!-- (...up to 6...) -->
| chief1name      = 
| chief1position  = 
<!-- (...up to 6...) -->
| parentagency    = 
| child1agency    = 
<!-- (...up to 6...) -->
| unittype        = 
| unitname        = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Unit1]] . . |[[UnitNNN]]}}-->
| officetype      = 
| officename      = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Office1]] . . |[[OfficeNNN]]}}-->
| provideragency  = 
| uniformedas     = 
| stationtype     = 
| stations        = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Station1]] . . |[[StationNNN]]}}-->
| airbases        = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Airbase1]] . . |[[AirbaseNNN]]}}-->
| lockuptype      = 
| lockups         = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Lockup1]] . . |[[LockupNNN]]}}-->
| vehicle1type    = 
| vehicles1       = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Vehicle1]] . . |[[VehicleNNN]]}}-->
<!-- (...up to 3...) -->
| boat1type       = 
| boats1          = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Boat1]] . . |[[BoatNNN]]}}-->
<!-- (...up to 3...) -->
| aircraft1type   = 
| aircraft1       = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Aircraft1]] . . |[[AircraftNNN]]}}-->
<!-- (...up to 3...) -->
| animal1type     = 
| animals1        = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Animal1]] . . |[[AnimalNNN]]}}-->
<!-- (...up to 3...) -->
| person1name     = 
| person1reason   = 
| person1type     = 
<!-- (...up to 6...) -->
| programme1      = 
<!-- (...up to 6...) -->
| activity1name   = 
<!-- (...up to 6...) -->
| activitytype    = 
| anniversary1    = 
<!-- (...up to 6...) -->
| award1          = 
<!-- (...up to 6...) -->
| website         = 
| footnotes       = 
| reference       = 

Parameter names and description[edit source]

Parameter name Required Description Values
Agency header yes agencyname is provided automatically based on PAGENAME if not provided.
no Name of the agency. Defaults to the name of the current page. Text. Do not link.
no Agency name in a native language using Western characters (French, German, Spanish, etc.), such as Port Lotniczy im. Fryderyka Chopina. Can also be used for two different names in the same language. Text.
no Agency name in a native language with non-Western characters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, etc.), such as 北京首都国际机场. Text.
no Use in conjunction with nativenamea or native_name_a for Romanized name of the agency, such as Běijīng Shǒudū Guójì Jīcháng. Text.
no Common name for the agency. Text. Do not link.
abbreviation no Abbreviation of the agency name. Text.
fictional no 'Yes' if the agency is a fictional agency Text == Yes.
patch no Patch for the agency. Image file name.
no Caption for the agency patch. Defaults to 'Patch of the agencyname.' upon use of patch. This parameter and the corresponding image file name can be retyped to another useful image, for example overridden to "coat of arms". Optionally linked text.
logo no Logo for the agency. Image file name.
no Caption for the agency logo. Defaults to 'Logo of the agencyname.' upon use of logo. This parameter and the corresponding image file name can be retyped to another useful image, for example overridden to "coat of arms". Optionally linked text.
badge no Badge for the agency. Image file name.
no Caption for the agency badge. Defaults to 'Badge of the agencyname.' upon use of badge. This parameter and the corresponding image file name can be retyped to another useful image, for example overridden to "coat of arms". Optionally linked text.
flag no Flag for the agency. Image file name.
no Caption for the agency flag. Defaults to 'Flag of the agencyname.' upon use of flag. This parameter and the corresponding image file name can be retyped to another useful image, for example overridden to "coat of arms". Optionally linked text.
no Size in px of the images for patch, logo, badge, flag. Defaults to 250. Single number.
motto no The motto of the agency. Optionally linked text.
no The English translation of the motto of the agency. Optionally linked text.
Agency overview yes At least one parameter should be provided.
formed no Date of formation of the agency. This parameter has been deprecated by formedmonthday and formedyear (or formed_month_day and formed_year). Linked text, for example, 25 July 2005, or 1876..
no The month and day of month the agency was formed. Ignored if formedyear or formed_year not set. Month name followed by day of month number. Do not link.
no The year the agency was formed. yyyy. Do not link
preceding1 no Name of preceding agency. Can be repeated up to preceding6.
Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of preceding2.
Text. Do not link. The template will link.
dissolved no Date of dissolution of the agency. Text, for example, 25 July 2005, or 1876].
superseding no Name of superseding agency. Optionally linked text.
employees no Number of employees of the agency. Number with optional citation or comment.
volunteers no Number of volunteers to the agency. Number with optional citation or comment.
budget no Annual budget of the agency Linked and referenced text, for example, $95M [[USD]] (2006).
no The legal personality of the agency. For example: government agency; government-owned corporation; government ministry; partnership; privately-held company; cooperative; body corporate; or, the full legal name of organisation if the type of organisation is not known. Text. Do not link. The template will link.
no Full legal name of organisation if the agency is not a governmental agency. Describes the general legal personality of the agency. Defaults to 'Governmental agency'. This parameter has been deprecated by legalpersonality or legal_personality. Optionally linked text.
Jurisdictional structure yes At least one parameter should be provided.
country yes Name of the country or name of the group of countries the agency operates in or across. Text. Do not link. The template will link.
no Abbreviation for the country. Text. Do not link. The template will link.
national no 'Yes' if the agency services a single national jurisdiction. Text == Yes.
federal no 'Yes' if the agency services a jurisdiction established by a Federation. Text == Yes.
international no Number of, or optionally linked list of, the countries the agency has jurisdiction in or across. Number or template reference with parameters.
no Title of a division of a country, for example, State, Territory, etc., or 'Police area' if the jurisdiction is specifically constructed. Text. Do not link. The template will link.
no Name of a division of a country, for example, Queensland, Pennsylvania, etc. The template will attempt to disambiguate if required. Text. Do not link. The template will link.
no Value for explicit disambiguation of divname for article name. Text. Do not link. The template will link.
no Value for explicit disambiguation of divname for categorization. Text. Do not link. The template will link.
no Title of a sub-division of a country, for example, City, County, etc., or 'Police area' if the jurisdiction is specifically constructed. Text. Do not link. The template will link.
no Name of a sub-division of a country, for example, Sydney, Bucks, etc. The template will attempt to disambiguate if required. Text. Do not link. The template will link.
no Value for explicit disambiguation of subdivname or sub_div_name for article name. Text. Do not link. The template will link.
no Value for explicit disambiguation of subdivname for categorization. Text. Do not link. The template will link.
map no Map of jurisdiction of the agency. Image file name.
dmap no Location Map of jurisdiction of the agency. Use Template:Location map to get image.
no Caption for the agency map. Linking is recommended to a more detailed description of the geography of the jurisdiction. Defaults to 'Map of the agencyname's jurisdiction.'. It is recommended that this parameter and its corresponding image file name NOT be overridden to another image type. Optionally linked text.
no Size of geographic area covered by the jurisdiction. Number and area unit, preferably metric.
no Size of the population covered by the jurisdiction. Number.
no Name of area in which the agency is legally empowered to act. If the same as the operational area then set value to 'opsjuris'. Optionally linked text, or Text == opsjuris.
no Name of the governing body which is responsible for the agency, the law making body. Do not confuse with the overviewbody or overview_body parameter below. The title will change from 'Governing body' to 'Primary governing body' if the governingbodyscnd or governing_body_scnd parameter is set. Text, for example, Government of Western Australia or United States Government. Do not link. The template will link.
no Name of a secondary governing body which is responsible for the agency, for example, a local or state government versus as state of federal government respectively, and a law making body. Do not confuse with the overviewbody or overview_body parameter below. Text. Do not link. The template will link.
constitution1 no Titles and references to the instruments of the governing body which constitute and create the agency. Can be repeated up to constitution6.
Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of constitution2.
Text, linked and-or referenced.
police no 'Yes' if the agency also provides services related to general social order and public safety. 'footnote' if qualified provision and use footnotes below. Text == Yes, or Text == footnote.
local no 'Yes' if the agency is the local or territorial agency for the type of services provided. 'footnote' if qualified provision and use footnoes below. Text == Yes, or Text == footnote.
military no 'Yes' if the agency is a military police agency. Text == Yes.
paramilitary no 'Yes' if the agency is a paramilitary police agency. Text == Yes.
provost no 'Yes' if the agency is a military provost. Forces military parameter to 'Yes'. Text == Yes.
gendarmerie no 'Yes' if the agency is a gendarmerie. Forces military parameter to 'Yes'. Text == Yes.
religious no 'Yes' if the agency is involved in enforcing religious law. Text == Yes, or Text == footnote.
restriction no Identifies the agency as having jurisdiction of very particular types of geography, property, etc. This parameter has been deprecated by speciality. Enumerated text value.
speciality no Identifies the agency as having a specialist jurisdiction of particular types of geography, property, etc. This parameter has been deprecated by speciality1. Enumerated text value.
speciality1 no Identifies the agency as having a specialist jurisdiction of particular types of geography, property, etc. Can be repeated up to speciality6. Enumerated text value, one of == institution, education, primary, secondary, nontertiary, tertiary, water, envher, postal, property, road, customs, corruption, rail, vehicle, protection, specops, fraud, paramilitary, diplomatic, border, coast.
secret no A (robust) source reference for the fact that the organisation is known as a secret police organisation. The infobox will name the reference "ibleasecpol". This reference name can be used elsewhere in the article to refer to the same reference using <ref name="ibleasecpol"/>. Place {{Reflist}} at the end of the article in a ==References== section to display the reference. Optionally templated and-or linked text.
Operational structure yes At least one parameter value should be provided.
no Type of overview authority for the operations of and community engagement by the agency. Defaults to 'Overviewed by', and becomes 'Overviewed by overviewtype'. Optionally linked text.
no Name of the overview body. Optionally linked text.
headquarters no Location of the agencies's headquarters. Text, for example, [[Sydney, New South Wales]], [[Australia]]
no Map containing location of the headquarters. Image file name.
no By default a border will be placed around the map image. Set to 'No' to stop a border being placed around the image. Text == No.
no Width of the map in pixels. Defaults to 265. Number.
no Height of the map in pixels. Defaults to 265. Must be set for infobox to display correctly if the map image is higher than it is wide. Best value is to set the height so that the width scales to 265 pixels. Number.
no Position of headquarters on map - number of pixels from left side of hqlocmap. Defaults to 132. Number.
no Position of headquarters on map - number of pixels from top side of hqlocmap. Defaults to 132. Number.
no Pop up title on mouse over map. Defaults to 'Map indicating the location of the headquarters'. Text.
no Type or title of sworn members, for example 'Police officer', 'Federal agent'. Defaults to 'Sworn member'. The 's' is added by the template. Optionally linked text.
sworn no Number of sworn members of the agency. Number with optional citation or comment.
no Type or title of unsworn members, for example 'Staff member', 'Civilian'. Defaults to 'Unsworn member'. The 's' is added by the template. Optionally linked text.
unsworn no Number of unsworn members of the agency. Number with optional citation or comment.
multinational no Number of, or optionally linked list of, the countries the agency draws personnel from. Note that an international agency does not necessarily draw personnel from all countries in its jurisdiction. Number or template reference with parameters.
no Generic type of governing body officials overseeing the agency. For example, Minister. Defaults to 'Elected officer'. Optionally linked text.
no Elected or overseeing governing body member. For westminster systems: Name of current minister responsible for the agency. Can be repeated up to minister6name or minister6_name.
Note: Title of box, electeeetype or electee_type, will automatically pluralise upon use of minister2name or minister2_name.
Optionally linked text.
no Elected or overseeing governing body member. For Westminster systems: Portfolio title of responsible minister. Can be repeated up to minister6pfo or minister6_pfo. Optionally linked text.
no Name of current agency chief/director/executive director. Can be repeated up to chief6name or chief6_name.
Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of chief2name or chief2_name.
no Position title of current agency chief/director/executive director. Can be repeated up to chief6position or chief6_position. Optionally linked text.
no Parent agency of this agency Optionally linked text.
no List of current child agencies reporting to this agency. Can be repeated up to child6agency or child6_agency.
Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of child2agency or child2_agency.
Optionall linked text.
no Generic name or title of a unit if the agency, for example, Function, Division, Command. Defaults to 'Unit'. Optionally linked text.
no Optionally linked list of the units in the agency, for example, Crime Stoppers, Counter Terrorism. The intent here is to list operations, and operations support units, for example Crimes Scenes, Forensics, and not administration units. Number or template reference with parameters.
no Generic name or title of the operation area of the agency, for example, Office, Precinct, District. Defaults to 'Command'. Text.
no Optionally linked list of the operation areas of the agency. Number or template reference with parameters.
no Name of the agency to which the services are outsourced to. Optionally linked text.
no Name of agency if not uniformed as the 'agencyname'. Defaults to agencyname Optionally linked text.
Facilities no Each of the following facilities can be "type" overridden but will still display in the set order. For example, lockuptype/lockups can be used as vehicle0type/vehicle0s, boat1type/boats1 can be used as vehicle4type/vehicles4, boat2type/boats2 can be used vehicle5type/vehicles5, etc. There are up to 14 facilities which can be typed as required.
no Generic name or title of a work location of the agency, for example, Station, Office, Precinct. Defaults to 'Station'. Optionally linked text.
stations no Number of or optionally linked list of the work locations of the agency. Number or template reference with parameters.
no Number of or optionally linked list of the airbases of the agency. Number or template reference with parameters.
no Generic name or title of a temporary detention centre of the agency, for example, Lockup, Watch house, Remand centre. Defaults to 'Lockup'. Optionally linked text.
lockups no Number of or optionally linked list of the temporary detention centres of the agency. Number or template reference with parameters.
no Generic name or title of a vehicle of the agency, for example, Patrol car, Forward command vehicle, Tactical vehicle. Defaults to 'Patrol car'. Can be repeated up to vehicle3type or vehicle3_type. Optionally linked text.
vehicles1 no Number of or optionally linked list of the vehicles of the agency. Can be repeated up to vehicles3. Number or template reference with parameters.
no Generic name or title of a water craft of the agency, for example, Boat, Patrol craft. Defaults to 'Boat'. Can be repeated up to boat3type or boat3_type. Optionally linked text.
boats1 no Number of or optionally linked list of the water craft of the agency. Can be repeated up to boats3. Number or template reference with parameters.
no Generic name or title of an air craft of the agency, for example, Plane, Helicopter. Defaults to 'Plane'. Can be repeated up to aircraft3type or aircraft3_type. Optionally linked text.
aircraft1 no Number of or optionally linked list of the air craft of the agency. Can be repeated up to aircraft3. Number or template reference with parameters.
no Generic name or title of an animal of the agency, for example, Dog, Horse. Defaults to 'Dog'. Can be repeated up to animal3type or animal3_type. Optionally linked text.
animal1 no Number of or optionally linked list of the animals of the agency. Can be repeated up to animal3. Number or template reference with parameters.
Notables no Key significant notables for the agency. These and other, more numerous, notables should appear in article sections or even separate supporting articles. Show / Hide collapsible only if more than one item.
no Name of agency member notable for special reason. Can be repeated up to person6name or person6_name. Optionally linked text.
no Type of peson, for example 'Inspector', 'Federal agent', 'Director', 'Commissioner'. Can be repeated up to person6type or person6_type. Optionally linked text.
no Reason the agency is notable, for example, bravery, reform, corruption (yes the bad too). Can be repeated up to person6reason or person6_reason. Optionally linked text.
programme1 no Name of a key agency programme, or campaign, for example, most wanted. Can be repeated up to programme6. Optionally linked text.
no Type of activity or event, for example 'investigation'. Defaults to 'operation'. Automatically suffixed with an 's' on use of activity2name or activity2_name. Optionally linked text.
no Name of an activity or event which is notable. Can be repeated up to activity6name or activity6_name. Optionally linked text.
anniversary1 no Name of notable event to be commemorated. Can be repeated up to anniversary6. Optionally linked text. Recommended format: [[optionally piped text]] ([[Year]], [[dd Month]])
award1 no Name of award, decoration, honour, or other significant recognition. Can be repeated up to award6. Optionally linked text. Recommended format: [[optionally piped text]] ([[Year]], [[dd Month]])
Website and footnotes no
website no Web address for agency website WWW address.
footnotes no Footnotes or references for included information Text.
reference no A main reference for the data provided in the infobox. The infobox box will name the reference "iblearef". This reference name can be used elsewhere in the article to refer to the same reference using <ref name="iblearef"/>. There will be a reference tag placed in the footnotes at the bottom of the infobox. Place {{Reflist}} at the end of the article in a ==References== section to display the reference. Optionally templated and-or linked text.

See also[edit source]

Template:Organization infoboxes