Lady Zaynab

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The book Lady Zaynab focuses light, in a brief yet documented way, on the life account, personality, and struggle of Lady Zaynab, to the gentle readers hoping they will benefit from knowing the unparalleled life circumstances of this great lady and derive benefit leading them to human perfection.

Lady Zaynab
Lady Zaynab.jpg
AuthorBadr Shahin
PublisherAnsariyan Publications

About the authorEdit

Badr Shahin got a Bachelor of Arts in Language, interpretation and translation from the University of Mosul in 1996 He currently lives in Iran where he works as translator of Islamic books.

About the bookEdit

This book published in Ansariyan Publications (January 1, 2002), has 240 pages and best sellers rank of 5,337,992 in Books.

This book deals with one such lady who entered the field of strife against the wrong with remarkable strength and said what was right and just in the faces of the wrongdoers and oppressors.

Abstract of chaptersEdit

Chapter 1: The Life of Lady ZaynabEdit

This chapter introduces Lady Zaynab and talks about her scholarly capacities. The author in this part examines what happened to Zaynab from year of birth up to her marriage.

She possessed all that points towards her immaculate majestic, dignified, and distinguished origin. She also possesses renowned bearings in the fields of perseverance upon principles, courage, eloquence, and whole-heartedness besides asceticism, chastity, piety, holiness, and magnanimity.

Chapter 2: PersonalityEdit

This chapter refers to some of peculiarities that made Lady Zaynab at the head of Muslim women including faith, dignity, courage, and so on. In this part, we notice that Lady Zaynab for her high position, was mentioned in a number of traditions ascribed to the Holy Prophet and the Ahl al-Bayt. According to Prophet’s saying, weeping for Zaynab is the same as weeping for her two brothers. She also was a trustworthy narrator of prophetic traditions and incidents that she lived or heard from her mother. The most famous one, was her mother’s address of Fadak.

Chapter 3: Horrifying EventsEdit

This chapter is a kind of introduction to Lady Zaynab’s griefs and sufferings. While she was in her early years, suffered bitterly from grand misfortunes. She had to encounter their effects. She was only five years old when these adversities invaded her youthful heart. She saw her beloved grandfather depart forever, saw her father swallow grief because of losing his cousin, and saw her mother mourn and ardently weep for her father’s passing away.

Chapter 4: The Caliphs’ ReignEdit

The story of this chapter is that Abu Bakr resorted to a number of shameful means, hoping they would oblige the Imam Ali to renounce his right. The author here examines the rule of the Ottoman caliphs from one end to the other. By closing the final part of Uthman’s reign, a new page of the Islamic history began. Without the seditious matters that Aishah, Mawiyah, Talhah, and al-Zubayr aroused against Imam Ali’s government, his reign would have rectified all the problems that the three caliphs caused to the ummah.

Chapter 5: Imam Ali’s ReignEdit

After the overthrow of the Uthman’s government, the mutineers chose Imam Ali for the leadership of the Islamic ummah. The author narrates the events that happened to Imam Ali from the moment he accepted the governorship and reaches a point where he makes the final will to Zainab.

Never do anything to someone’s dead body, for I heard your grandfather, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his family, say: Never do anything to the dead body of even the dogs that bite.

Chapter 6: Imam Al-Hasan’s ReignEdit

Soon after Imam Ali, Imam al-Hasan had to leave Kufa, the city whose people disappointed his father and him. He left for Medina where people received him with such delight because he was one of the branches of that pure origin, the Holy Prophet. As the rightful government faded and the wrongful one came to power, the life of Lady Zaynab entered a new phase that would bring new and yet more grievous adversities.

Chapter 7: Muawiyah’s ReignEdit

Muawiyah asked Jadah (daughter of al-Ashath and the Imam Hasan’s wife) to poison her husband under promise of marriage to Yazid, Muawiyah’s son. Then sealed his criminal reign with imposing his son, Yazid, as his successor. Yazid represented all vices and offenses that had nothing to do with Islam or leadership of the Islamic ummah.

Chapter 8: The Black ReignEdit

During this reign, Lady Zaynab suffered the most difficult misfortunes and adversities, and the Prophet’s family had to encounter extreme eradication. This chapter examines the events that led Imam Hussein to the desert of Karbala to sacrifice his soul for sake of saving the Muslims from the oppression and wrong of the Umayyad rulers.

Chapter 9: In KarbalaEdit

In the land of Karbala, Lady Zaynab faced the progression of calamities with the weapon of patience and steadfastness. She went into her mission as guardian of her martyred brother’s children and harem; she hurried to locate the children in that desolate desert and gathered them all in one place. She then comforted and consoled them with words of patience while the dead bodies of their fathers and brothers were scattered in that area and the criminals who were assigned to keep watch over the children and harem.

Chapter 10: Lady Zaynab in CaptivityEdit

After Imam al-Husayn martyrdom, Zaynab tried to prove that Imam al-Husayn and his party were the victorious, while Yazid and his party have always been the losers. The speeches of Lady Zaynab included tons of lessons and was a deathblow that destroyed the Umayyad State. From that day onwards, Lady Zaynab’s one and only occupation was weeping for her martyred family and friends and to work relentlessly so that the message of sacrifices of Imam al-Husayn was spread endlessly.

Chapter 11: To The HeavenEdit

Death came to Zaynab while her tongue was glorifying the Almighty Lord, who will take revenge from those who had wronged her. She departed on Sunday, the fifteenth of Rajab, 62 AH at the age of fifty-seven.
