Yann Richard

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Yann Richard is a French specialist of modern Shiʿism.

yann richard
Yann richard.jpg
OccupationProfessor and Author


Yann Richard was born in 1948 in Joncy (Saone-et-Loire), France. After his studies at Tubingen he was a researcher at the CNRS (Paris) and then visiting professor at the University of Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Oxford (St. Anthony’s College).  He was professor of Iranian Studies at the Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris. He visited Iran many times and witnessed the devolution of 1978-9. His publications concentrate on the sociology of Shiite Islam and on the history of Iran during the twentieth century.


  • Le Shi'isme en Iran. Islam et révolution, Paris, Jean Maisonneuve, 1980, 135p. 1980
  • [Persian edition and transl. into French with introduction]: Nuroddin ‘Abdorrahmân b. Ahmad JÂMI, Les Jaillissements de Lumière. Lavâyeh, Paris, Les Deux Océans, 181 p. 1982
  • [Codirected with Bernard Hourcade]: Téhéran, Au-dessous du volcan, Paris, Autrement, 222 p. 1987
  • [under his direction]: Entre l'Iran et l'Occident: Adaptation et assimilation des idées et techniques occidentales en Iran, éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris, 242 p. 1989
  • [Codirected with Gilles Kepel]: Intellectuels et militants de l'Islam contemporain, édition du Seuil, 287 p. 1990
  • Shi'ite Islam : Polity, Ideology, and Creed, Transl. by Antonia Nevill, Oxford - Cambridge, XIII-241 p. (from the French L'Islam chiite : Croyances et idéologies, éditions Fayard, 302 p.) 1995
  • 100 mots pour dire l'Iran moderne, éditions Maisonneuve & Larose, 220 p. 2003
  • L'Iran. Naissance d'une république islamique, éditions de La Martinière, 378 p. 2006
  • [Cowritten with Jean-Pierre Digard and Bernard Hourcade]: L'Iran au XXe siècle : Entre nationalisme, islam et mondialisation, éditions Fayard, 501 p. (3nd edition), 2007
  • L'Iran de 1800 à nos jours, Flammarion, 472 p. (reedition of "L'Iran. Naissance d'une république islamique"), 2009
  • [Edition and introduction] C.J. Edmonds, East and West of Zagros. Travel, war and politics in Persia and Iraq, 1913-1921, Leiden - Boston, Brill, XXI-377 p. 2010

[Edition and introduction] Regards français sur le coup d’État de 1921 en Perse, Journaux personnels de Georges Ducrocq et Hélène Hoppenot, Leiden - Boston, Brill, VI-699 p. 2015

  • L'Iran de 1800 à nos jours, Flammarion, 492 p. (new edition with corrections and additional chapter) 2016
  • Iran. A Social and Political History since the Qajars, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019

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