Template:Infobox U.S. Presidential Document

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طرح‌نمانوشته‌ای بی‌جهت، جهت آزمایش: این طرح‌نما می‌آزماید نگاره و اندازه و شکل را. آیا آن که ما خوانیم ترا برای شایست‌تان را می‌گواهد یا خوانش‌ها را می‌نماید. نمایان کنم بر شمایان خواهان شدن نشدن و نا شدن و که این برگزیدگان ناگزیده از کدامین توان با ناتوانان پرتوان شمارش نموده آیا هم‌چنان خواستار ناشمردنی‌ها بوده و هستند. آیا نیستند و چرا؟ این نوشتار آزمایشی چرا و به چه علت از شمایان برمی‌شمارد و از کجا و به کدامین نوا بر‌می‌نگارد و بازنمی‌ایستاندتان؟ خواهشمندی ناشنودگان از پرمایگی نابیوسیدگان برتر نباد و مایه بی‌مایگی سراسر شایان بادا. باشد تا آزمون‌ها خوش و آزموده‌ها سرخوش از بوته ناخوشی‌ها سراسر سر بدر آورده با باد همراه روند. <templatedata> { "params": { "name": { "description": "The name of the document. Uses the page name if left blank.", "type": "string", "default": "PAGENAMEBASE" }, "shorttitle": {}, "longtitle": { "description": "The long title of the Presidential Document. If available and the field is blank, this will retrieve the title from Wikidata using property P1476.", "type": "string" }, "depiction": { "description": "A depiction of the subject of the document. If none is readily available, an image of the document being signed can be used.", "type": "wiki-file-name" }, "depictionalt": { "description": "Alt text for the depiction image, for visually impaired readers. See WP:ALT for how this should typically differ from the caption.", "type": "string" }, "depictioncaption": { "description": "The caption for the image depicting the subject (or signing) of the document.", "type": "string" }, "documentimage": { "description": "An image of the document itself.", "type": "wiki-file-name" }, "documentcaption": { "description": "The caption for the image of the document.", "type": "string" }, "othershorttitles": {}, "type": { "description": "The type of Presidential Document. The possible values are: executive order, memorandum, proclamation, directive, determination, or signing", "type": "string", "required": true, "example": "executive order" }, "executiveorder": { "description": "The sequence number of the Executive Order. If available and the field is blank, this will retrieve from Wikidata using property P1555.", "type": "string" }, "signedpresident": { "description": "The President who signed the document. Automatically renders the name as a wikilink. If available and the field is blank, this will retrieve from Wikidata using property P50.", "example": "George W. Bush", "type": "string" }, "signeddate": { "description": "The date on which the document was signed. If available and the field is blank, this will retrieve from Wikidata using property P571.", "type": "date" }, "documentnumber": { "description": "The Federal Register document number of the document in question. This will automatically generate a link to the Federal Register listing for the document using the Federal Register's short URL scheme. If available and the field is blank, this will retrieve from Wikidata using property P1544.", "type": "string" }, "publicationdate": { "description": "The date on which the document was published in the Federal Register. If available and the field is blank, this will retrieve from Wikidata using property P577.", "type": "date" }, "documentcitation": { "description": "The legal citation style for the document. If available and the field is blank, this will retrieve from Wikidata using property P1031.", "type": "string" }, "summary": { "description": "A very brief summary of the subjects that this document concerns. Can use to display several bullet points.", "type": "content", "suggested": true } }, "description": "This template summarizes information about an executive order, presidential directive, or other Presidential Document passed by a United States President.", "format": "block" } </templatedata>