Template:Swedish nuclear weapons program timeline

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 Timeline of the Swedish nuclear weapons program
1945The United States tries to gain a monopoly over Swedish uranium assets.
Atomic bombs are dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
National Defence Research Institute (FOA) is assigned to conduct investigative mission, to collect the existing data on the nuclear issue.
Atomic Commission is founded.
1947AB Atomenergi is founded.
1948FOA is assigned to explore the possibilities for nuclear weapons acquisition in Sweden - the actual start of the nuclear weapons program.
1952Air Force Chief Bengt Nordenskiöld makes public statement on Swedish nuclear weapons.
1953The United States launches the Atoms for Peace program.
1954Report by the Commander-in-Chief takes a formal position on nuclear weapons.
The first Swedish reactor R1 is set in operation.
The first Swedish contemplations about whether to purchase nuclear weapons from the US.
1955The first detailed drafts of Swedish nuclear warhead are completed.
The Social Democratic government proves to be divided over the nuclear question.
Sweden and US conclude the first cooperation agreement on civilian nuclear energy.
1956A government report suggests that Sweden invests in nuclear energy based on the domestic fuel cycle, the so-called “Swedish line.”
1957Report by the Commander-in-Chief features a clear position on Swedish nuclear weapons.
The public debate on nuclear weapons takes off.
AB Atomenergi purchases American materials for the Ågesta site to accelerate the civilian nuclear energy program. However, guarantees that it would not be used for nuclear weapons purposes hamper plutonium supplies for the nuclear weapons program.
Swedish contemplations at ambassador's level over the opportunity to purchase nuclear weapons from the United States.
1958FOA presents two alternative research programs: defense research (S-program) and nuclear explosive devices research (L-program).
First studies of solely military reactors are presented – to insure the plutonium production.
Commander-in-Chief in his annual defense budget report calls on the Government to officially choose the L-program although the Minister of Defense advised against it because of the serious split in the Social Democratic party.
Government rejects the request for the L-program, but recommends funding of S-program under another scheme. The parliament approves this decision.
1959A working group with the Social Democratic Party offers a compromise in the form of enhanced defense research with preservation of the freedom of action.
1960The Social Democratic Party Congress accepts the offer of compromise, and the Government issues directives with the suggested conditions.
The United States decides neither to sell nuclear weapons to Sweden nor to support Swedish domestic nuclear development.
Due to the problems with plutonium supply, the cost estimates for Swedish nuclear weapons acquisition increase remarkably.
1961Nils Swedlund's retirement is followed by the first skeptical views on Swedish nuclear weapons acquisition within the Swedish Ministry of Defense.
1962The Commander-in-Chief's 1962 report is still in favor of Swedish nuclear weapons, yet not as pronounced as the 1957 report.
Sweden begins to take an active stance in the international negotiations on non-proliferation. The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty is established.
1965The 1965 report supports the initiative of Swedish nuclear weapons, but does not contain any concrete proposals on their implementation.
1966Sweden abandons the freedom of action doctrine, and begins pushing for a non-proliferation agreement.
1967Sweden begins phasing-out nuclear weapons research.
1968Sweden ratifies the NPT[1] and terminates its nuclear research with the exception of actual defense research.
1972Termination of nuclear program is complete as the plutonium laboratory is shut down.[1]
1974Ågesta reactor is permanently shut down.
20123.3 kg plutonium and 9 kg of uranium are exported to the US as part of the Global Threat Reduction Initiative.[2]

طرح‌نمانوشته‌ای بی‌جهت، جهت آزمایش: این طرح‌نما می‌آزماید نگاره و اندازه و شکل را. آیا آن که ما خوانیم ترا برای شایست‌تان را می‌گواهد یا خوانش‌ها را می‌نماید. نمایان کنم بر شمایان خواهان شدن نشدن و نا شدن و که این برگزیدگان ناگزیده از کدامین توان با ناتوانان پرتوان شمارش نموده آیا هم‌چنان خواستار ناشمردنی‌ها بوده و هستند. آیا نیستند و چرا؟ این نوشتار آزمایشی چرا و به چه علت از شمایان برمی‌شمارد و از کجا و به کدامین نوا بر‌می‌نگارد و بازنمی‌ایستاندتان؟ خواهشمندی ناشنودگان از پرمایگی نابیوسیدگان برتر نباد و مایه بی‌مایگی سراسر شایان بادا. باشد تا آزمون‌ها خوش و آزموده‌ها سرخوش از بوته ناخوشی‌ها سراسر سر بدر آورده با باد همراه روند.

Template:Template reference list

  1. 1.0 1.1 Melin, Jan (2 April 2001). "Svensk atombomb utvecklades trots förbud". Ny Teknik (in Swedish).CS1 maint: Unrecognized language (link)
  2. "Swedish plutonium to the United States". Swedish Radiation Safety Authority. 27 March 2012.