Imdad Imam Asar

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Imdad Imam Asar
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Nawab Syed Imdad Imam Asar (1849-1933) was a professor, poet, historian, philosopher, and writer.


Nawab Syed Imdad Imam Asar was born on 17th August 1849 in Karapursarai Salarpur district in Patna, India. Nawab Imdad belonged to a family that boasted of having ancestors such as someone who had taught Aurangzeb, the famous Mughal Emperor of India. Both Nawab Imdad's father and grandfather had held the position of Chief Justice. Initially, Nawab Imdad studied under Syed Muhammad Mohsin Banarsi as well as his father Syed Wahid-ud-din Bahadur, and later completed his education in law. Nawab Imam's sons Syed Ali Imam and Syed Hasan Imam went on to become the Prime Minister of the Hyderabad State and the President of the Indian National Congress during their lifetimes respectively, and Nawab's sister Rasheed un-Nisa can arguably say to be the first female Urdu poet. Nawab Imdad died on 17 October in the year 1934 and is buried at Manpur Road Abgla in Gaya, Bihar.


  • Professor of History and Arabic at Patna College


  • Given the titles 'Shams Ulama' and 'Nawab' by the government of Britain in return for recognizing his services and education.


A list of causes of the Karbala Tragedy

The book 'Misbah uz Zulum' translated into English by the title 'Roots of Karbala Tragedy' examines various events in the early history of Islam that led to the tragedy of Karbala on Ashura. In the book, the author, Nawab Syed Imdad compared the Bani Hashim and the Bani Ummayah, and their traits and mentioned the style of leadership of the Prophet, the issue of Fadak, and many more. Nawab Imdad explicitly mentions the traditions that support the argument that the Caliphate belonged to the Ahle Bayt which was snatched by others and resulted in the Karbala Tragedy.